I expected the Skinny Cow "Divine Filled Chocoloates" to taste like a regular old Peanut butter cup. I'm not the biggest fan of those, but it was so good! I gave a package to my dad who instantly wanted to know where I got them.
Most people think that a tissue is a tissue...but they are so wrong. I have a dust allergy. Or a dog allergy or something that makes my nose run and makes me sneeze. All the time. The lotion in those tissue really makes a huge difference when you're constantly blowing your nose. They are my favorite tissues by far.
The NYC make up really makes for a funny story. I got the make up in the VoxBox right before Christmas. I was excited to use it on Christmas day. It's a neutral palet of colors. My favorite! Well, When I was diggin in my stocking on Christmas morning, I found the exact same make up in my stocking! I was so excited! Now I won't run out forever! I'm wearing it in this picture with my cute Christmas Day Sweater.