Every now and then (read always) I sit down in front of my computer to write a blog post and the inspiration simply isn't there. I had someone ask me the other day, "Do you ever run out of things to write about?"
The answer is yes.
You can tell because I'm currently writing about the fact that I don't have anything to write about. Blogging is so weird. I even have a few posts queued up ready to roll. I know what I want to say, but I just don't feel like putting it down on the proverbial paper.
I still love blogging but it can be so difficult sometimes. I read all these other blogs and see how quickly they all get so popular. I see that their audience constantly grows and everyone leaves adoring comments. They get hundreds and thousands of likes on Instagram...Everyone wants to read what they have to say and to see the world through there eyes.
Sometimes I feel like I'm writing something for the sole reason that it will probably be popular with my audience. And usually, those ones are. Those posts get twice the traffic and I often times don't even really like them. Maybe I don't really know my audience, or maybe I'm just not as good of a blogger as I think I am.