How do I even begin to describe this weekend?
My mom came into town for the first time since I've lived here. So of course, we had to do the "Vegas Thing" I've had a few opportunities to do it with my friends but with my mom I had a lot more freedom and we could do a lot more stuff that I wanted to do.
After we ran a million errands and made room extra cute, we decided to go to the Mob Museum. I know it's not the first thing you think of when you imagine Vegas, but it was so neat! a must-see if you're going to be in Vegas for a few days.
While we were downtown, we decided to do another thing I hadn't ever had the chance to explore: The Fremont St. Experience. Of course, I take all my pictures with my iPhone camera, and I didn't really charge my phone before we went out, so my pictures were taken quickly without regards to quality, so please excuse the fact that they might not be the most amazing.
Anyway! Fremont street is the place to go. Seriously, if you're looking to get that classic Vegas feel, there is no other place. I think that a lot of people know that Fremont street is there, but they don't tend to go over there. Well, I have some news for you: It's time.
The thing behind me is the zip line. It's only $20! It runs the length of the street and I simply must try it. They also have little bars, clubs, casinos, and restaurants all up and down the street. There is a restaurant called the Heart Attack Grill. If you weigh over 350 lbs, you eat there for free...Once you get towards the end of Fremont, there is this brand new place called Container Park.
Container Park is a small area on a corner of Fremont Street. It is basically a small district of boutiques, restaurants and sweet shops. They have a big stage at one end with grass and giant Legos. They also have a play area in the middle with misters for when it's hot. It's seriously the coolest place I have been in Vegas.
You're probably wondering why it's called "Container" Park. Well every restaurant and shop is in a little connex. They are tiny! I don't know how they shoved so much stuff into little train-car-sized shops, but they did and it's awesome.
Our next stop, while it wasn't necessarily on the list, was probably my favorite part of our whole night. We stopped at Atomic Liquors. It has the oldest liquor license in the city, making it technically the oldest bar. Until last June, they were closed down. The reason it was called "Atomic Liquors" is because it opened in 1956 when the Nevada Test Site was still testing atomic bombs. You could see the mushroom clouds from the bar stools on the patio. That might be a silly reason to love it, but it felt like I was a part of its history while I was sitting there sipping on my hand-crafted cocktail...
By the way, someone remind me to give my mom iPhone Photographer lessons...Who knew taking a picture in front of a neon sign could be so hard...
"Just tap where right next to me!"
"Ugh...screw it..." Cue funny face.
In all this craziness, we also hit the strip, but it was our last stop and we were so exhausted. We walked all the way to the Bellagio from MGM Grand and wanted to die. But we had a very delicious dinner at the Rain forest Cafe.
All in all, an amazing night spent with my momma. I wouldn't have had it any other way.