Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fit? What's That?

Well, yesterday was my first day of the fall semester, of course, I've been thinking about getting serious about my work out.  Again.  
It was hard to work out while I was in Kentucky because it was so humid, and lets face it, I was being a lazy bum.  But here, the gym is way too close and way too nice not to be working out as often as possible.  On top of that, ROTC is going to be pretty demanding as far as physical fitness is concerned, and I'm not about to come in last.

I've decided to plan my work outs every week in addition to PT with ROTC and watching my diet.  I'm not trying to lose weight, but rather get into the best shape of my life.  I won't be eating less.  Just eating better. Every week, I'll feature some work out that I did that worked well for me.  Everything I do is working towards my fitness goals and my Army Physical Fitness standards. 

This was yesterday's work out. 

This morning I woke up with abs so sore it hurt to raise my arms to fix my bun.  I took it easy on the legs because I have an PT test this week, but even still, I could hardly walk up or down the stairs when it came time to get to class.  Now that is what I call a good work out. 

If you feel like doing these work outs I'm posting, please let me know! I'll share everything that I do and not just one day's worth of exercises. I'm always willing to help some out who is interested in making themselves better!

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