Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Getting Down on the Dance Floor in PT Shoes

Well hello there, Tuesday. 

My time here at Fort Knox is coming to a close and I can't help but feel a bit of sadness. I have made so many great memories here, it's going to be hard to say goodbye to all the great people I've met since I've been here. Over the weekend, we did something different than we usually do:  We went to the on-post bar. 

Now that was a trip. It might have been the most hilarious thing ever to watch Soldiers in sweat pants and PT shoes get down on the dance floor.  I thought I had seen it all when I watched Marines in dress blues dance.  I was wrong. 

I only have a few pictures of the night as I left my phone in the van.  These are weird and blurry, but documented the night regardless. As always, I danced. I couldn't even hold still long enough to snap a quality picture. 

I look like a monster from Doctor Who, but I think you can tell that I'm having a good time. Right? Below I am learning a dance that I am clearly terrible at as my friend just laughs endlessly at me.  I just wasn't meant for hip hop.  As hard as I try, I might never be able to pull it off. 

Here we were supposed to be looking at the mirror and not the phone. Pardon my lack of attention to detail. At this point I was already...3 sheet to the wind. 

It was honestly such a fun night. While the bar is about 20-30 guys to every girl, we all still had a great time.  And the fights didn't start to break out until after last call, so the night didn't get ruined by anyone.  I played some Corn Hole with some fun guys I met on the patio and danced the night away.  Basically, I woke up the next day remember that one of the reason I love the Army is great adventures like last weekend.  I can't wait for more like it to come. 

Don't forget about my $50 giveaway!
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