I've been doing it for a little while now. At first I was a little bit embarrassed by it. I thought that dating online was only for older people who felt like they were running out of time to meet someone organically.
I found out quickly that that is not the case. It's simply how things work these days. My friend Shannon (check out her guest post tomorrow!) met her husband using the app OKCupid, and I've known a few other people who have met their significant others through an app or some other form of online dating.
Online dating has its pros and cons. Sometimes you get messages from questionable people who are clearly just out for one thing, and one thing only. Other times though, you meet people who are interesting. You might meet people who actually want to take you out on a date. You might meet someone who is destined to be your best friend.
For me, as someone who is living in a relatively new place, it's very beneficial for me to use it. I can meet locals and learn about the amazing city around me. Already it has paid off to have a way to meet new people and make friends. Last year while I was here in Vegas, I was lonely. The only way I saw to make friends was in class. I had no problem talking to people in class, but it never went beyond the classroom.
Thinking about giving online dating a shot? Well, here's how you date online and live to tell the tale (or just don't walk away really disappointed)
1. Don't put the people you chat with on a pedestal. Chat with them but wait to really make up your mind about them until you've actually been out with them. They might seem awesome in text but not at all in practice. If you build them up before you meet, you might be disappointed.
2. If you're looking for more than just a hook up, don't play into guys asking for pictures, Snapchat screen names, or those who obviously have less than innocent intentions. It enables them.
3. Be careful! People are weird...
4. If you live in a "destination" sort of place like I do (Vegas) pay attention to who is actually living where you live, and those who are just visiting.
5. If you're not interested in somebody, don't talk to them! It's easy as that...
6. Most importantly, have fun. Meet new people, create relationships, and let online dating be a gateway to the rest of the world.