Today's post was inspired by Mrs. K! She does this "Currently" thing and I decided to do it for myself on this lovely Monday! I'll be sharing with you what I'm up to...currently.
Playing: Clash of Clans and 2048. With an occasional game of Two dots in there.
Loving: Everything about this life of mine.
Reading: Catch 22, but let me tell you, it's rough to get through. It jumps around and is really confusing. Hopefully I can power through it in the next week or so!
Working on: Figuring out how I'm going to go to school, work, and play Army all at the same time... I'm also working on some serious blog stuff! If you have been keeping up with me, I've been working hard to get my posts out there and doing a lot of extra sharing of other blogs. I love to write for an audience, and the more exposure we all get, the better!
Wishing: I didn't have to say goodbye to all my new friends I've made here so soon...
Missing: My entire family! I can't wait to see them.
Don't forget to enter for your chance to win $50 to Target in my Giveaway! It will only run for one week!