Today I'm jumping in on a link up. That is something I haven't done in a long time, but I felt like I couldn't pass this one up. If you feel like you have a few Wednesday confessions, go ahead and join Kat from Vodka and Soda
I have horribly mixed feelings about leaving Fort Knox. I'm excited one minute then sad the next! I feel like an overly emotional 16 year old who just dumped her boyfriend but actually wants to stay with him. Well that was a weird analogy.
Moving on.
I have an obsession with picking at all the little bumps on my arms that has got to stop. Like now. I feel like writing this here in my confessions might make me stop doing it. But it probably won't.
As much as I make fun of officers...I'm really excited to be one. I want to hurry up and graduate fast so that I can wear that brass as soon as possible.
I made some serious mistakes last weekend that I really want to forget... (chalking that one up to stupidity and way too much Vodka)
I got passed over for an award because of a lack of communication and I'm actually really mad about it.
I miss Netflix more than any person should.