For the month of April I am focusing on Physical Fitness. (I couldn't come up with a good alliteration, so this month gets a "faux" alliteration instead.
I have an Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) coming up, so it only make sense that I'd start to really hit it hard and get into a groove with working out. I'll be honest...Since I've been working on so many other things, my fitness routine has really suffered. That's an understatement. It has been non-existant.
When I was in basic, I started from nothing. I could not pass the APFT. When I graduated from AIT, I wasn't only improved, I was one of the best. I was running a 14:30 Two mile and maxing/near maxing every event. Every. Time.
It was a pretty big freaking deal and now I'm back to the struggle. It's amazing how quickly you can just fall out of that routine and start to suck. For this month (and hopefully for every month after this one) I'll be doing a few things to kick my butt into shape and turn some acceptable scores at my PT test this month.

14:30, 2 min mile?! That is amazing!
Um you go girl! Post some fitness stuff to motivate us all, please!!!
Story of my life. I was getting into such a good routine with out 8 week health challenge and then when I started packing and getting ready to move, it all went to pot. We have seriously eaten out for lunch and dinner every day this week and I feel DISGUSTING! I can't wait to get to CA and settle in and get back to my routine.
Yeah, it's a little ridiculous. It's sooo past time for me to get back into that "greatest shape of my life" feel haha. I'll post some stuff so we can ALL get better!
I definitley will. I'm still feeling a little lazy, but hopefully it will go away once i really start running and working out again. I still haven't really started in on my plan of action. Which I forgot to share...Spring break screwed me up! haha
Yeah I was a little beast...I hope I can get that back!
You can do it!
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