Thursday, January 30, 2014
A Pain in My Bum

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
I'd Rather Be Inappropriately Funny

Monday, January 27, 2014
I'm A Pretty Pretty Princess
First and foremost, I should probably apologize for being a little bit MIA...My life hasn't been cool enough to blog about, so I haven't really felt like it. Well, I decided that that is a stupid excuse and I should just do a bit of writing anyway.
Last night, we went out for dinner for my mom's birthday. She likes sea food, so we went to Joe's Crab Shack. I was lucky enough to sit next to these two. Forgive me while I post too many pictures of my adorable niece.
She suddenly has four teeth. I swear, they all cropped up overnight at the same time. She is getting way too big way too fast...
Dinner was...eh. I don't like sea food, and Joe's doesn't really have any other options, but it was okay. It was more about hanging out with my family and celebrating my mom's birthday. Plus, they made her shout "I'm a pretty, pretty princess" while they sang to her. It was too funny. We had a good time chatting the night away and laughing together. It reminds me why I missed being home so much.
For the past couple weeks, I've been working like a dog bringing in the big bucks. Okay...not the big bucks, but working nonetheless. I can't even tell you how much better it is to have a job and a purpose in life than it is to be unemployed and freaking bored all the damn time. Life is better now. It's busier, but oh man is it better.
Although I'm loving being home because I've sincerely missed my family, there are somethings that I do not miss about being home. I am sooo not loving this inversion. That looks like fog out there in the distance, but you want to know what it really is? Pollution. Ew. I can barely breath and it's gross. I feel like I need to wear my ProMask (gas mask) everywhere...
Honestly...It is so dang yucky. I hope that it starts to clear up soon. It usually fades as the temperatures rise, and I was driving around with my window down today, so I think this air has some potential to clear up. At least a little bit.
Now, I'm sitting in a nice chair, writing in my blog, and watching Seven Brides For Seven Brothers. I'm pretty sure that life doesn't get a whole lot better than that...Lets all hope I have the motivation to post some quality content. :)

Friday, January 24, 2014
Despite The Fact That...

Thursday, January 23, 2014
You Just Do
As you may or may not know, my blog's name comes from my not so fortunate history of things just...not going quite as I planned. As a testament to this fact, I've created the "Chalk It Up" Series. This series is open for anyone to post. If you would like to write about a time when things didn't go as you had hoped, but you were able to shake it off and live your life afterwards please contact me!
Today's post was inspired by a call I received from a young man at work. The company I work for is a jewelry financing company. We often deal with people purchasing engagements rings and wedding rings for their significant other's. Well, yesterday, I was speaking with this guy who had recently broken up with his girlfriend and he was saddled with the burden of paying for the ring anyway as the store wouldn't take the return.
At the end of the call, I told the guy "You know, I'm really sorry this happened. I know how that can be. I've totally been there."
He asked me "How do you get over a thing like this?!"
I said to him "Sir...You just do."
Once upon a time, I was engaged to a lovely young man who was far too handsome for me. I thought he was way out of my league and I felt...blessed to have in my life. We had this whirlwind of a romance where we fell in love so quickly. We were just...intoxicated by each other.

That's us. For give me, this is before I knew about tweezers.
But then one day, it all fell apart. To this day, I really can't tell you what happened. All I know is that I was devastated. My life was over. I spent months crying myself to sleep just hoping and praying for things to change. It was just so hard. I was 19 years old, working a dead end job. I had just joined the Army Reserve because I wanted life to be easy for us. I wanted to be able to be with him, so I chose not to go active. It was kinda huge. The entire course of my life had to change.
Then all of a sudden, I started to just...feel better. It was like I had just realized that he didn't make me who I was. That I would be okay and that life really does go on. I started going to school. I lived on my own for a while. I became a Soldier...I saw that there was far more to life than a boy. To be honest, I don't think I really got over it until we reconciled and became friends. Sometimes, I'll still feel a little sad about it, but I know that I'm a better person for the experiences that I've had. Yeah, it sucked, but now I can look back on it and just remember the good parts. Now we can talk and laugh and be friends and it really is...okay.
Being able to take this HUGE thing in stride (okay, so at the time, I didn't take it in stride, but it has taught me to take other things in stride) has really helped me deal with other colossal changes in my life. Now, I really can just...chalk it up to better luck.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014
R-Rated Reality.

Monday, January 20, 2014
Take Me Back...

Sunday, January 19, 2014
Is A Work Pot Luck Anxiety Worthy?

Friday, January 17, 2014
10 Things I Hate About You [Blog Edition]
Today as I sat down to blog, my brain was completely empty. I could think of literally nothing to write about. Because I've been working and my job actually requires brain activity now, I don't just brain storm odd brilliance anymore.
When thinking about this fact, I came around to the simple prompt of "hate". Remember
"10 Things I Hate About You: Gym Edition"?Well...I give you...
I thought I was kind of hilarious when I made the graphic for this post because it is...disheveled. I was getting frustrated with creating the picture. I didn't like the colors, I didn't like the fonts...I was just being a flat out negative Nancy. So...I give you.
10) Photo editing
Although I think it really makes a blog post a lot better to have nicely edited photos that are watermarked and graphics that are nice and cute that draw the eye and catch attention of internet browsers everywhere, it is so time consuming. It can turn a 10 minute blog project into a 2 hour deal.
Am I right?!
9) Networking
Networking is more of a love/hate sort of deal. While I love to make new friends and connect with other bloggers, it can really get to be difficult to find blogs like yours and discover a group that you fit in with...it's difficult. Not only that, some bloggers are all like "you better stay out of my blog circle"
8) Finding inspiration

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Why Did I Even Write Today?
There really isn't a number four. but this post didn't feel over yet...I suppose I can use this item for blogging business.
Item #4 is...I partnered up with The Sassy Seamstress .
As I've said before, I'm all about small business and I love to see those people succeed. Watch out for weekly deals, reviews, and all kinds of great things from her. And from me ;)
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
I Think I Know What Do After the Tone

Monday, January 13, 2014
I Might Actually Get to Be a Real Soldier

Friday, January 10, 2014
Katie: Unfiltered

Thursday, January 9, 2014
Particularly Shallow Benefits

Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Slim Jims Do Not a Lunch Make

I get to go and play big-bad Army swoldier this weekend. It has been ages since I ran around in my combat boots, so I'm not totally broken up about it. It's just a part of that life. I may or may not have some exciting new about the Army by the end of the weekend, but I'm not quite sure yet. Just cross your fingers and hope for good things!
I hope that everyone is having a wonderful week, for now I must go, but you will see me again if I am not enveloped by the insanity that is every-day life.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014
The Solution Is Obvious
True facts people. True facts.
In the coming weeks, I have a feeling that my life is going to start making me much happier. Having a schedule and a routine will completely change how things have been doing lately. Even though everything has been a big old mess and real stressful being back home, I'm optimistic.
Life is good...Today.

Monday, January 6, 2014
Patience You Must Have

Friday, January 3, 2014
Saying Goodbye to December's Sponsors
My sidebar is looking pretty bare because I've said goodbye to all of my awesome sponsors. Sadly, I didn't get to give them all as much attention as I wanted to. The month of december ended up being far busier than I would have liked. I just want to be sure that you don't miss out on all these great people have to offer.
To sponsor this blog, please check out my sponsor page. All ad space is currently 50% off.
Krafts for Kuties is a small Utah business run by a good friend of mine. She makes some of the most amazing hand-crocheted crafts that I have ever seen. Her prices are rock bottom and her products are amazing quality. To learn more about her business check out her facebook page
Kylie's blog is definitely among my favorite blogs to read. She writes about her life and always has some insiteful things to say about life. To learn more about Kylie, I suggest you start here. Her blog is definitely one you should add to your list of "Must reads"
Blog │Facebook │Twitter│Instagram
Ashley is the author of American Honey. I would consider Ashley my best bloggy friend. We trade blogging secrets and help each other out when we need it. She is engaged to a handsome airman and has an extremely exciting life ahead of her. I love to read about her life, drool over her recipes, and be inspired by her good attitude. She has faced a lot of challenges, but she is always positive about it. She has a the sort of blog you can read forever and never get tired of it!
Blog │Twitter │Instagram
Oh the Rambling of a Marine Wife...Kara's blog was one of the very first blogs that I started reading. I am pretty sure that I creeped all the way back to her first post and read her blog from day one. I learned a lot about blogging just from reading hers. She lives the exciting life of a military spouse. She's a mom, but you won't find yourself wishing she'd talk about something besides her kids. She always blogs about fun and interesting things has great product reviews and is certainly not your average "mommy blogger". I vote you absolutely give her blog a shot.
Blog │Facebook │ Twitter │Instagram
I only just barely started discovering the plethora of Utah blogger. This was one of the first ones that I found. I was so happy to have a couple of "Utah bloggers" on my sidebar for the month of December. I enjoyed reading and entering a bunch of her giveaways. This blog definitely got a long term follower out of me and I hope it will do the same to you!
Check out Utah County Moms!

Thursday, January 2, 2014
Rearranging The Pieces
Da Army to be exact.
I'm a Soldier in the U.S. Army Reserve. While being in the Army isn't exactly what I had planned for myself, it ended up working out quite well. I really enjoy being a Soldier. Originally, I wanted to be a Marine, but I got into a little bike accident that brought the dream to sudden stop. I broke my arm and I broke my dreams...
Instead of letting it hurt me though, I picked up the pieces and I rearranged them. When I was finished, the picture looked a lot different than when I started. I changed my perspective, I changed my goals and before I knew it, I was shipping out to Basic Training for the Army. Something I thought would never be possible.

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