It is no secret that I'm not a fan of the winter.
I dislike snow. I'm not the biggest fan of the cold. I have a very Scrooge-like hate towards non-religious Christmas music. I like living in Las Vegas because it only just barely got cold here. One thing I'm really not looking forward to when I get home is how cold it's going to be. I'll get to dress in cute wintery outfits, but seriously this is what it looks like at home right now. Ew.
I really do try to not be so Scroogey. But when I know that on Friday I'm going to be driving through the snow to a nice balmy 16 degrees Fahrenheit I get a little bit sad.
While it definitely sucks that it's freaking super cold outside, I'll be pretty happy to be able to dress all cute and wintery. That is probably the only part of the cold that I'm not Scroogey about. My computer keeps red-lining Scroogey. It's a word. Trust me.
I guess I'll just continue working on my job hunt and try not to think about the fact that it's freaking cold at home.
Don't forget about the giveaway I have running all week! You can get a 25% off discount just for telling them I sent you!
And now, on of my Featured Sponsors!
Kylie from Kylie in the Sky
I discovered Kylie's blog by a happy accident. I clicked a link another blogger posted, and not even on purpose. You know how touchy lap top mouse pad deals can be. But instead of just clicking the red "x" and leaving the page, I scrolled down to see what the blog was all about.
Enter Kylie!
Kylie is a student at BUY in Provo, Utah. Originally from Arizona. She too is suffering from that freezing coldness I'm going to have to go home to soon. But ultimately, this is what hooked me to her blog (besides the fact that she is living in a neighboring city) was this:
Awesome right? It was enough to keep me coming back, that is for sure.
Now Kylie's blog is one that I always check first for updates. She always has something upbeat to say and I always look forward to reading a new post. She has become a great friend to have in the blog world and I recommend you go and check her out!

I hate winter. There is nothing to like about it...
Ugh! Cold winter weather is the worst! I'm so ready for spring and summer again.
For the first time in 7 days we got about 32 degrees today! There was dancing in the streets! (well, maybe it was just me...)
Kate, you are the sweetest! :D ♥
I'm not a huge fan of the cold either. I wanted to go to California for college to warm up form NY, but that didn't end up working out ha. Oh well. I try to just enjoy the beauty of the snow instead of thinking about how cold I am...doesn't always work ha.
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