Monday, March 30, 2015

Spread Thin

Today I feel the need to use the term "I'm spreading myself a little thin."  I had all kinds of plans for good posts and what I was going to do for this week and next, but the days really just got away from me and here it is, Friday afternoon and I'm like, "Wasn't it just Monday?"
I'm sitting here at my desk like...

After getting a schedule change job# 1 I think things will settle down a little bit. The semester is also winding down  (There are less than 6 weeks left), it is finally
S P R I N G  B R E A K
and life. is. good.

On that note, I think that it's finally time to gush about my new job!  The job I got is at a school! I'm basically a teachers aid, but I will also be teaching my own groups of reading and math.  Over the past week, I have been doing some scheduling gymnastics to get all trained, go to class, and also go to my other job! But now that I'm done training, it all feels worth it.

As I'm sure most of you know, I'm an educaiton major.  My end goal is to be an elementary school teacher with a fancy teaching license and all that.  I'm between a freshman and sophomore in college so I'm still a little ways from my degree, but I'll get there.  I promise. 

Being in the classroom just makes me feel like it is absolutely what I was meant to do.  It's so natural.  I love dealing with the students and seeing them all just...get it is probably one of the best feelings in the world.  I'm sure that it will come with its major challenges, but right now, I'm going to say...Bring it on. :)


Jen said...

I'm glad you are working in a setting that feels comfortable to you, that is so important! :)

Meg Doherty said...

I was an education and history major in college, and even though I'm not a teacher now, I'm definitely using my degree working with kids at a non-profit and couldn't love it more!! Happy spring break and I love you really enjoy your aid position!

Mae said...

How awesome you got your job in a field you love and will be getting your degree in!

Katie said...

It's amazing! I love doing it already and I just know that I was so meant to bet a teacher.

Katie said...

That's cool! It was so nice to have a little time to just relax!

Katie said...

It is great. I love working with the kids. It's just...right for me.

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