Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Werk Werk Werk

Are you there blog?  It's me, Katie...

I promise, I'll get back into the swing of things, but let me tell ya, life is so crazy right now.  I swear every time I sit down to blog something else gets in the way like cooking dinner or spending quality time with the family, or avoiding cleaning my house.  I'm really well at doing that last one. 

But anyway... I thought I'd talk a bit about the reason I'm so dang busy all the time. 


Shocking right? As I mentioned in my catch up post, I got a new job when I moved back to Salt Lake.  When I got the job in June, I was mostly doing so because I was getting bored.  I'd only been home for a few weeks and it was absolute torture to sit home all the time just waiting for people to get off work.  My aunt was working for this company and they were going on a big hiring frenzy as their call volume was spiking.  I saw that as an opportunity and started days after my interview. 

The job was easy.  I love talking on the phone, I love customer service, and I like to solve problems.  The system was pretty easy to operate and the people working around me were pretty great as well. 

Week later, I was training new reps.  I was a new rep teaching other new reps how to do the what?  I guess you could say I took to it like a duck to water.  Eventually, I was getting bored of just being a rep.  I sat at home and I worked on developing my own training aids.  For free.  I started taking supervisor calls, and I basically gave my boss no choice but to give me a promotion.  And now this is my life:

I work at home.  I work at work.  I work late.  I work early.  And my phone starts buzzing at about 5:30 am.  Every.  Morning. 

What's interesting about it, is that this experience may have completely changed my desired career path.  I still love kids and teaching, but I've come to realize that I have a talent for management (which is basically what teaching is...)  and I honestly really love it.  

If you had told me a few months ago that I'd be considering a career in business management, I probably would have told you to take a hike, you don't know me at all.  And now it's like I don't even know myself.

It's funny how things change. 


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