Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Collections of Moments

Life is fragile.  

I think sometimes we forget that. We act like this day we're living right now isn't even going to be a memory a few months from now.  Sometimes, that may be true.  It's not likely I'm going to remember wanting to pull my hair out over studying for all my tests, but I'll probably remember the A that I get on the test.  Moments are fleeting but it's a collections of moments that make up your entire life. 
I don't know about you, but I think I want my moments that I string together and look back on to be some good ones. 

 In an effort to improve the quality of my collections of moments I made a list...
I kinda love lists. And this one is mine.  It consists of the things that I'd like to complete in the near future. Near can be interpreted as anywhere from a week from now to 5 years from now. 

1) Toss out the clothes & shoes that I've had since the 8th grade and buy adult clothes
2) Pass this semester

3) Be a good blogger.  Not because I wanna be blog-famous.
4) Read books just for fun.

5) Embrace my natural hair color and quit dying it.
6) See more live music. 

7)  Volunteer.  Love.  Give. Share.

8) Stop eating pizza Lunchable and Bagel Bites. 

9) Take care of my body. 

10) Start a collection so that when I'm old I have something of virtually zero value to pass onto my children.  

11) Write some music 

12)  Get married and have some kids (kids can come later than the "near future" timeline...)

13)  Let go of the things that don't enhance my life in any way.

14)  Spend more time without my phone in my hands. 

15) Don't just write lists like these. Actually do the stuff I put on it. 

Right now my life is sort of crazy and I'm not exactly sure what to do with everything that's happening.  I'm trying to just take this lesson with me.  I'm not going to be on this Earth for forever.  I have to make every single day and every moment that passes by count for something.  

What does your string of moments look like?


Unknown said...

Ugh, I've been wearing the same clothes since the 8th grade too. Love this post!

Ashley said...

I had to give up dying my hair as well. Good luck on your list. I love lists like these.

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