This past month, every Monday has been dedicated to different ways that I have learned to budget and save. The original idea that I was supposed to follow was "No Spend" only save just like Ashley from American Honey did. Well, to be honest, I think she did a lot better at not spending any money than I did. While I didn't really stick to the rules, I shared quite a few things that I learned about financial wellness and ways to obtain your goals dealing with money.
On the first day of "No Spend" I established some rules that I didn't follow very well. Well over the past few months, I've realized that there is a lot more to financial wellness than just having a huge saving account. If you want to be able to make huge purchases or get a mortgage, you might have to pay attention to things like Credit. I have learned so much about credit from a little bit of experience and a lot of staring at people's credit reports all day long.
One of the things that I pulled out of this month long financial wellness challenge was that there are so many resources to help you save. My favorite thing I've used to far is the app Level
I also shared how I've learned to take advantage of things like shopper's rewards and coupons/apps for things that you planned on purchasing regardless of how much it was. You might as well save a little bit if you have to spend the money anyway, right?
As this month winds down, I feel like I've actually learned a lot, even if I didn't stick to the rules quite like I was supposed to...I hope that a little bit of what I know has helped you out as well!
Now go check out Ashley's blog today for her last "No Spend" post!