Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Milestones and Pebble-Stones

Usually we think of milestones as huge moments in our lives.  Things like graduating high school or college.  Moving away from home.  Buying a car or a home.  Getting married.  Having children.

Sometimes, we don't even know that we're at a milestone until the time has passed and we're looking back on it.  I suppose that is part of why they say hind-sight's 20/20. 

4 years ago today, Jake walked into my life.  Back then, we were both in the delayed entry program ready to join the Marine Corps. On that day, we had no idea what we were in for. It was just another day and to each other we people that we'd interact on the daily as time passed.  We never could have known that we'd end up here.  Even at other points in our relationship or our friendship or when there was a lack of both, we never could have known what changes would come after that day. 

The past five or so years have been the worst, best, most confusing, fun-filled, exciting, and terrifying ones that I've lived yet. I've had adventures I never would have dreamed of.  I've been places I never thought I'd go, and I've felt things I didn't know where possible to feel.  

I've been pretty fortunate to be able to turn a lot of things that seemed pretty terrible into great things.  Personally, I think that's what life is all about.  That's at least what this blog is about.  What is life without a little turbulence?  I think it would be pretty boring.  So I choose to make mile stones from pebble-stones. 

It may not seem like a big deal to most people, but I think it's a pretty big deal that I just got my first queen sized bed.  I bought a bed, a mattress, a comforter, and I even supervised the construction of the bed. For me, having this big old bed in my room is win.  It's something I worked for and saved for.  It's something I'll look back on and be proud of. 
And I'll just keep seeing things that way. 


Jen said...

It really is amazing what a difference a bigger bed can make!

Amber Nobles said...

I remember when I bought my first mattress as an adult. I liked it a little more than I should have. When we moved into my current house 12 years ago, my parents passed down their 15 year old queen size bed to me. I loved having a queen bed but it was even better when I was able to buy my own!

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