Okay so I'm a little late on this one, but it's never too late to brag about your cute little people. Right?
Clara is a little over two months old now, and I cannot believe it. They tell you the time flies by. You believe them. But you don't truly understand how fast it goes until you're living it.
Clara absolutely loves seeing mommy first thing in the morning. She will crack a huge smile when I peak into her crib and start un-swaddling her.
She is an amazing sleeper! I put her down at 8:20 nearly every night and she sleeps until 6ish. She's also sleeping in her own room.
We're mostly breast feeding, however we're also doing some supplementing too. Going back to work has been hard on my milk supply, and I didn't have a whole lot stashed before my return. But we aren't ready to quit. I'm pumping and nursing every day, doing my best to provide for my baby girl.
Being back at work is hard, but Corey is father of the year. He takes Clara to the sitter ever morning, gets her all dressed and ready, and even remembers to make our bed (the only neat thing about our tornado house) before he leaves.
Clara is the center of our world and I can't believe that I get to be her mommy. Every day I spend with her is a blessing. When I feed her before bed I hold her close and I often cry just wishing that time would slow down.
Here is to another successful month of parenthood!