
Thursday, January 1, 2015


Here we are again.  A brand new year. 
I really don't understand how time is passing by so quickly.  It feel like just yesterday I was graduating from high school and now, here I am, starting into my third semester of college, nearly 22, and living life unlike the one I picutred for myself...Oh well!  With that being said, 2014 wasn't so bad! In fact a lot of great things came out of it.  I really hope that this year will be just as good.
So...Last year I wrote some resolutions.  In all honesty, I didn't do too poorly on them.  I do, however, think I sort of forgot about them.  I stopped actively working on them about half way through the year.  Some of the things I resolved to do sort of just happened as a result of an ever changing life.  Well, this year, I've decided to do something a little bit different to help me stay focused on my goals. 
Each month will be themed with something I need to work on.  I'm doing this in hopes that a continued practice of one thing at a time will help create better habits and essentially make my life better.  Of course, I'm starting frigid January with a spending freeze.

I'm working on saving, smarter, spending, investing, and finding ways to make a little bit of extra money on the side.  I'm so ready to feel financially secure, and I think this is where it starts. 

I lots of other goals lined up and I'm excited to share them all with you.  I hope everyone is ready for an amazing New Year!


  1. Wishing you an amazing 2015!

  2. Love this! I'm trying not to spend a lot this month to make up for all the things I bought around Christmas time! So far so good!

  3. This sounds like a really smart approach! One month at a time feels much more manageable :)
